The Word of life existed,
From the very beginning;
Because God had persisted,
Being assured of winning.
We have heard it from the start,
And we have seen it once again;
How big does God have a heart,
Relationships to begin.
We have observed and could touch,
Life is able to reveal;
So we testify so much,
Everything we can feel.
So we will report to you,
About this eternal life;
Giving a new point of view,
That takes away all the strife.
This is the life we have seen,
And the life that we have heard;
A life that also has been,
Given to you in His Word.
We are writing unto you,
Of having a relationship;
That has been so tried and true,
For a new companionship.
Relationship with the Father,
And completely filled with joy;
Through Jesus Christ your Brother,
That no one else can destroy.
This is the message we read,
From Jesus reported to you,
So many times that He has said,
For changing your point of view.
God is entirely light,
And not having any dark;
Wisdom that gives you insight,
And truthful where you embark.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer