I kneel in the presence of God,
To whom that I honor and laud;
For on His throne sits the Father,
On His right sits our Brother.
All the family in Heaven,
And here on earth have been given;
His sanctified and holy name,
For us to go out and proclaim.
I ask God to give you a gift,
That will inspire and uplift;
From the glory from His vast wealth,
To give you abundant good health.
I pray that He gives inner strength,
Power to endure any length;
The stressful strife of your merit,
With the guidance through His Spirit.
Through faith then Christ will live in you,
So you can persevere through;
As His glory so glowing so bright,
A radiance beam of pure light.
I also pray that love may be,
Give you the insight for to see;
The ground you that you sink your roots,
Will harvest abundant fresh fruits.
May it give you a foundation,
Holding on to your salvation;
Maintaining a righteous heart,
Never straying as to depart.
Please be able to understand,
What of His love does demand;
The length, the depth, and of the height,
And of the true strength of its might.
The love of Christ goes far beyond,
With the strength of a mighty bond;
Your knowledge cannot comprehend,
To construe cannot apprehend.
Glory is for God in the church,
As well as the love that you search;
And in Christ Jesus for all time,
As your heart and mind stay sublime.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer