To you, O Lord, I lift my soul,
Because of my trust within You;
To be with you shall be my goal,
After my work on earth is through.
I will continue to proclaim,
Let not the crowds ridicule me;
Do not let me be put to shame,
By them who are too blind to see.
No one who ever waits for You,
Should never be subject to shame;
For the faithful shall remain true,
And proceed to extol Your name.
Make Your ways known to me, O Lord,
And teach me of Your righteous path;
Let not my request be ignored,
And know that I am spared Your wrath.
Lead me in Your truth as You taught,
For You are my God and Savior;
Knowing that a day I have sought,
Within me You have found favor.
Your kindhearted merciful deeds,
Exists for eternity;
For you have shown that love succeeds,
Lasting for an infinity.
Forget the sins back in my youth,
And my silly rebellious way;
Those were the times I was uncouth,
When I constantly went astray.
Just remember the decent man,
The goodness that I have become;
And where I fit into your plan,
Since I am no longer like scum.
That is why You teach the sinners,
The righteous way that they should live;
So that they can become winners,
And you are able to forgive.
You have led us to be humble,
For doing everything right;
Be passionate and not grumble,
As a blessing within Your sight.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer