O Lord, you have examined me,
Knowing what is in my heart and mind;
You know all that I think and see,
When my thoughts with You are aligned.
You watch me where I have been gone,
You have seen when I am at rest;
When I am waking up at dawn,
For a new day for to invest.
You are familiar with my ways,
Even before a spoken word;
You know all my wanders and strays,
Conversations as being heard.
You surround me both front and back,
You comfort as I feel Your hand;
Because You know all that I lack.
While knowing of Your demand.
But Your knowledge is beyond grip,
It is higher than I can gain;
Where can I go as not to trip,
Climbing up trying to attain.
Maybe I need to get away,
Where can I run so I can find;
To Heaven on a certain day,
When I would not be feeling blind.
Is hell where You have made your bed,
Or should I climb up to the sun;
Should I go in the sea instead,
Should I go when time had begun.
No matter where Your hand will guide,
Onto me Your hand always holds;
Because You know that I abide,
Proceeding life as it unfolds.
Allow me to hide in the dark,
Letting light turn into the night;
For the blindness where I embark,
Even darkness can be too bright.
Night can be turned as bright as day.
For darkness and light are the same;
Guiding me to trust and obey,
While my tongue and lips proclaim.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer