Loudly I cried unto the Lord,
I cried with my voice unto God;
So that I would not be ignored,
Knowing that His ears were not flawed.
On that day I was in trouble,
So I went to the Lord for aid;
And dig me out of the rubble,
Since I had become so afraid.
Over night, I stretched out my hands,
In prayer without growing tired;
Being overwhelmed by demands,
From work caused me to be fired.
Yet my soul has refused to be,
Comforted by another one;
Because I was too blind to see,
My faith in the Father and Son.
I sigh in remembering God,
But beginning to lose my hope;
Thinking how to honor and laud,
Which enabled me how to cope.
I am upset I cannot speak,
Considering the days of old;
More freely enabled to seek,
When trouble happened to unfold.
I remember singing at night,
As a way to reflect on it;
It could have been an oversight,
Contacting the Holy Spirit.
My spirit searches for answers,
Will the Lord reject all the time;
Or cause death from any cancers,
Because in the past any crime.
Will the Lord ever accept me?
Exactly the way that I am;
I only wish to be guilt free,
Become His precious little lamb.
Did God forget to be gracious?
Forgotten to be merciful;
But knowing He can be jealous,
If we are not so dutiful.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer