Be still try to listen,
He who is searching hearts;
Knows that it will glisten,
When our mind imparts.
The Spirit intercedes,
As to the will of God;
According to your needs,
And how much you are flawed.
But we know that all things,
Work together for good;
From the love that God brings,
When doing as you should.
Those of whom He has called,
According to His plan;
Always honor and laud,
Rather than to a man.
Because they already knew,
Who had appointed them;
And which way to pursue,
So He will not condemn.
His Son was the firstborn,
Of many on the earth;
But not a long sojourn,
Thirty three years since birth.
He approved who were called,
Appointed by the Son;
Although that they were flawed,
They could get the job done.
What can we ever say,
About everything;
If we trust and obey,
Being blest it will bring.
Nothing can separate,
Since the Lord is for us;
His love will compensate,
No one is against us.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer
Romans 8:27-31