Rejoice in the Lord,
Always be joyful;
Beloved and adored,
Lovingly soulful.
Let all others know,
How thoughtful you are;
That your love does flow,
Shining like a star.
The Lord is at hand,
For the Lord is near;
Beside He will stand,
And will calm your fear.
So never worry,
Being anxious not;
Christ shares His Glory,
For troubles you got.
Always let God know,
What you need in prayer;
Let your worries go,
On things that you share.
His peace goes beyond,
All understanding;
Always will respond,
What is demanding.
God will guard your thought,
And your heart through Christ;
Because you were bought,
What was sacrificed.
Keep all that is right,
And that deserves praise;
Be as His delight,
And true all your days.
Be honorable,
Always fair and pure;
Be commendable,
Making you secure.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer