Do not brag about yourself,
When in front of a king;
Put it back on the back shelf,
Since disrespect it may bring.
Stand in the spot that belongs,
To the notable people;
Attempt to right any wrongs,
Contrary to the Gospel.
It is better to be told,
To come forward up to him;
And to be humble not bold,
But showing spiritual vim.
If a prince does put you down,
To whom your eyes that has seen;
Make not a smile to frown,
No matter what words have been.
Rush not to go to the courts,
Of what you do in the end;
Even if someone distorts,
The truth that just might offend.
Present arguments to them,
Reveal not any secrets;
Do not prejudge to condemn,
Or slander when one rebuts.
Whenever he hears about,
He will humiliate you;
His evil will try to doubt,
With statements that are not true.
A word as fitly spoken,
Like gold in silver setting;
At times it becomes broken,
Not able to forgetting.
Like a gold ring of fine gold,
Positive critiques to hear;
As the future to unfold,
Being humbled and sincere.
Like the coolness of the snow,
A dense fog or a dust storm;
Whoever brags does not flow,
With the Lord within the norm.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer