Have pity on me, O Lord,
Giving Your mercy and grace;
Your compassion not ignored,
My rebellious acts erase.
Thoroughly wash all my guilt,
For cleansing me of my sin;
I admit the conflict built,
Caused by the trespass within.
I have transgressed against You,
I have done what is evil;
Your judgment is just and true,
Since my acts were the devil.
An offender since conceived,
Guilty prior to my birth;
The truth I had not believed,
Living here on planet earth.
You desire trust and truth,
From the wisdom deep inside;
As to stop being uncouth,
And learning how to abide.
Purify me from the sin,
Washing me whiter than snow;
Hearing the joy deep within,
Let me spiritually grow.
Hide Your face from all my sin,
Wipe out what I have done wrong;
Create a clean heart within,
Not letting guilt to prolong.
Renew a righteous spirit,
Or casting me not away;
Allow me to inherit,
Whence we meet on Judgment Day.
Restore me of salvation,
Provide me with discipline;
With spiritual foundation,
That will be blocking the sin.
The sacrifice is pleasing,
About my broken spirit;
For despise will be ceasing,
Because of godly merit.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer