Come children and listen to me,
I will teach you to fear the Lord;
Open up your eyes as to see,
How He should be loved and adored.
Any of you wants a full life,
Who would like to live long enough;
To enjoy good things although strife,
Has a habit to make things tough.
Keep your tongue from saying things,
That are deceitful and evil;
Speaking with your lips as it brings,
Your heart and mind to the devil.
Turn away from evil and do good,
Seeking peace in what you pursue;
Stay on the right path as you should,
By telling everything true.
The eyes of the Lord are on you,
His ears will always hear your cry;
He is willing to help you through,
You ever anguish with a sigh.
The Lord confronts who do evil,
Wiping out memory of them;
They are molded by the devil,
And the ruthless He will condemn.
Righteous people need to cry out,
The Lord hears them and always saves;
From their trouble without a doubt,
As being caused by sinful slaves.
The Lord will always remain near,
To the ones whose hearts are humble;
He saves all those whose spirits fear,
The likelihood they may stumble.
The righteous person has concerns,
But the Lord rescues from them all;
Teaching them that the person learns,
How to void it as not to fall.
The evil will kill the wicked,
And all those who hate the righteous;
As God sees they are inflicted,
Agony in their subconscious.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer