Put to death the worldly things,
The perversion of lust;
With the passion that it brings,
All the wealth that you did trust.
It is because of this sin,
The wrath of God is on you;
And impossible to win,
If you do not remain true.
If you refuse to obey,
Because of your sinful life;
And since you have gone astray,
You are in the midst of strife.
Just get rid of your anger,
Hot tempers and your hatred;
Stop cursing and being vulgar,
Look onto the one that bled.
Do not lie to each other,
Be the one you use to be;
Honesty to your brother,
Doing as God does decree.
Be the person you once were,
And the life you use to live;
Stop making the past a blur,
Allowing God to forgive.
Be the one God has elect,
As patient, humble and kind;
Any laws do not reject,
Always keep a gentle mind.
Forgive those who have done wrong,
Forgive as the Lord forgave;
Let not agony prolong,
Following you to the grave.
Let the peace of Christ control,
And be thankful what you got;
Let His Spirit in your soul,
Through the ransom His blood bought.
Be thankful for what was done,
That He did suffer the loss;
And God had given His Son,
For hanging upon the cross.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer