What is the implication;
Since sin has taken control,
Do we still get salvation,
Or will have a rotted soul.
If not controlled by the laws,
Rather God finding favor;
Even though we still have flaws,
Will grace come through the Savior.
If you make yourself a slave,
You will obey that master;
Until you lie in a grave,
Your life was a disaster.
Either your master is sin,
Or your master is respect;
Allowing the Spirit in,
Never trying to reject.
Sin leads to death in the grave,
But obedience will lead;
You to new life which will save,
From all sin from lust and greed.
Become obedient as taught,
The same as they were given;
Remember that you were bought,
By Christ who is in Heaven.
Freed from sin, you were made slaves,
To do what God approves of;
Given life after the graves,
Through your faith, hope and His love.
I speak in a human way,
For weakness of your nature;
Since you tend to go astray,
Instead of a new creature.
For wages of sin is death,
But the gift given is life;
That faith gives after last breath,
Salvation instead of strife.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer