Christ came as the chief priest,
Of the good things now here;
So then we should at least,
Honor God and revere.
He went through a better,
And a more perfect tent;
Guidelines to the letter,
As God planned and He meant.
But the tent was not made,
By using human hands;
On a foundation laid,
As the Father commands.
He had used His own blood,
Not blood of bulls and goats;
Gushing flow like a flood,
But the tent floats like boats.
He went into this place,
A holy place on high;
Sacrificed for the grace,
That others wonder why.
The blood of goats and bulls,
And the ashes of doves;
To cleanse bodies of fools,
For the true God who loves.
The blood of Jesus Christ,
Who having no defect;
Does more as sacrificed,
That others still reject.
The eternal Spirit,
Offered Himself for God;
For all sinful merit,
That caused you to be flawed.
Now we serve the true God,
Since Jesus paid the price;
So we honor and laud,
For through His sacrifice.
His will is only used,
After a person dies;
But they could be refused,
Because of cheats and lies.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer