Since you were brought back to life,
Focus on things from above;
Merely enduring the strife,
Through the power of His love.
Keep your mind on things above,
Rather than the worldly things;
Let His Spirit be a dove,
For giving what Heaven brings.
You have died and life hidden,
With Christ in God and your life;
Worldly things are forbidden,
Causing nothing but your strife.
When He appears you shall too,
By appearing in glory;
A chapter written for you,
As part of your history.
Put to death that is mortal,
Your sexual sin and your lust;
Follow Christ through the portal,
All your confidence and trust.
Your perversion and passion,
That corrupts your heart with greed;
You must give a confession,
Of all of your worldly need.
For these sins anger the Lord,
Which comes when you disobey;
While His warnings are ignored,
When you keep going astray.
You use to live in that way,
In that kind of sinful life;
Continued to disobey,
While bombarded with strife.
Get rid of the arrogance,
The hatred and the cursing;
Let meekness be your defense,
For attitude reversing.
Lie not unto each other,
And never be conceited;
Thinking first of your brother,
So Satan is defeated.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer