Answer me when I call, God of my righteousness; Have pity if I fall, Giving me blessedness.You freed me from trouble, Hearing me through my prayer; Pulling from the rubble, Showing me that you care.The important people, Insulted my honor; When I preach the Gospel, They treat it as horror.How long are you to love, What is an empty lie; Letting it from … [Read more...] about Forever Loved
Christian Living
Ancient Times
Loudly I cried unto the Lord, I cried with my voice unto God; So that I would not be ignored, Knowing that His ears were not flawed.On that day I was in trouble, So I went to the Lord for aid; And dig me out of the rubble, Since I had become so afraid.Over night, I stretched out my hands, In prayer without growing tired; Being overwhelmed by demands, From work … [Read more...] about Ancient Times
The Spirit and the Word
Those who live by corrupt nature, Will have a corrupt attitude; Cannot become a new creature, While being extremely rude.But with a spiritual nature, You have a positive outlook; In Jesus as a new creature, Knowing that God did not forsook.The corrupt nature leads to death, For feeling hostile towards the Lord; Right up to the very last breath, Like as though … [Read more...] about The Spirit and the Word
The Godhead
Be careful and take heed, That your faith is not robbed; Caution for corrupt seed, That emotion has throbbed.Shallow and misleading, Having a vain deceit; That can be demeaning, As it tries to defeat.Such human traditions, Rudiments of this place; Without the transitions, For Jesus to embrace.The body of Christ lives, God has made you complete; Through … [Read more...] about The Godhead
Good will and peace from God, Our Father and Lord; That we honor and laud, Always loved and adored.So we unite with Christ, Thanking God what we got; And no longer enticed, For the things we have not.I thank for memories, That the Lord has given; Many new victories, As we trek to Heaven.Every time I pray, It is for all of you; With joy as I obey, In all … [Read more...] about Shrinking