You will live in Zion, And not cry anymore; Sleeping with a lion, No longer does he roar.The Lord will have pity, When you have cried for aid; In the hostile city, Because you were afraid.As soon as God heard you, He had answered your call; For you are pure and true, Too precious for to fall.The Lord may give trouble, But no longer concealed; He comes on … [Read more...] about Alarm Sounding
Christian Living
The Ultimate Good
Be joyful in the Lord, As no trouble for me; For He is not ignored, Like some too blind to see.For writing the same thing, As I do through each day; The safety that will bring, When you trust and obey.Beware of evil things, Beware those who insist; Because of what it brings, Ensure that you resist.We are the true people, We serve as we take pride; As … [Read more...] about The Ultimate Good
Misplaced Blame
Do not ever become fooled, Of every perfect gift; If so ever ridiculed, That their mockery is swift.The Father had made the sun, As well as the stars and moon; Long before time had begun, As His Son will return soon.The Father will never change, Unlike the shifting shadows; As each one He did arrange, Emplacement where each one goes.God decided to give … [Read more...] about Misplaced Blame
Going First
We must love each other, Because love comes from God; With your sister and brother, Show Him honor and laud.All of who loves has been born, From God and also knows Him; Even though where we sojourn, Every day can be grim.The person who does not love, Never has known of the Lord; Who is reigning from above, But they have merely ignored.For God has shown us … [Read more...] about Going First
The King of Glory
The earth and everything, Wholly belongs to the Lord; Worship and praise as you sing, How He is loved and adored.The foundation of the sea, Sets firmly on the rivers; As the waters flowing free, And the clouds are the givers.Who may go up the mountain? Who stands in His holy place? Who will drink from the fountain? That the Lord does shine His grace.Who has … [Read more...] about The King of Glory