Be joyful in the Lord,
As no trouble for me;
For He is not ignored,
Like some too blind to see.
For writing the same thing,
As I do through each day;
The safety that will bring,
When you trust and obey.
Beware of evil things,
Beware those who insist;
Because of what it brings,
Ensure that you resist.
We are the true people,
We serve as we take pride;
As states in the Gospel,
We adhere and abide.
For we serve the Spirit,
Take pride in Jesus Christ;
Seen in our merit,
How much we sacrificed.
There is no confidence,
In the physical things;
But helps in the defense,
That the devil brings.
For I am a pure blood,
Living to the standard;
And witness to the flood,
As written in the Word.
I am so passionate,
When it comes to the church;
In being affectionate,
In the Scripture to search.
Once what thought of value,
Now are worthless through Christ;
So I discontinue,
No more getting enticed.
I threw it all away,
In order to gain Christ;
No longer will I stray,
Jesus, I am sufficed.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer