If you hear God speak today,
If you are hearing His voice;
Be sure to trust and obey,
As you worship and rejoice.
Be not stubborn or rebel,
And never harden your heart;
You might cause Him to repel,
From you making Him depart.
He may be giving a test,
Like when in the wilderness;
If you pass doing your best,
Then He will be sure to bless.
He has seen what you have done,
And is making Him upset;
But the sacrificial Son,
Purified you from your debt.
Your heart continues to stray,
With contents of snakes and beans;
And you have not learned His way,
Through the Law and what it means.
So God took a solemn oath,
Never entering His place;
Watching over those that loath,
And still able to give grace.
Be careful as you take heed,
That you do not turn away;
Satan would like to succeed,
In making you go astray.
I do urge you to advance,
And get the right attitude;
Enable to get the chance,
Getting a spiritual mood.
Then you will not be deceived,
By becoming obstinate;
For someone that has believed,
Your faith will be infinite.
Remain a partner with Christ,
Keep holding until the end;
Because He was sacrificed,
Not as a foe but a friend.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer