So what is the implication?
Should we sin being uncontrolled?
The Law is an indication,
Rejecting what God would uphold.
Unthinkable if you offer,
To be the a slave to someone;
Like a caddy to the golfer,
Fudges the score when he is done.
For you must obey the master,
Even if your master is sin;
Noncompliance is a disaster,
Unto your mind and heart within.
Sin as your master leads to death,
Obey God brings His approval;
Eternal life after last breath,
And corruption brings removal.
You were slaves to the earthly sin,
But thanks to God you now obey;
For a new life that you begin,
No longer will you ever stray.
Freed from sin that you were made slaves,
Now servant that God approves of;
Who will rescue you from your graves,
While clothing you with His love.
I am speaking in human terms,
For weakness of corrupt nature;
Because it merely reaffirms,
For making you a new creature.
You once offered every part,
As slaves to sexual practice;
Disobedience depraved the heart,
Satan called you his apprentice.
This led to disobedient lives,
Obsession led to sacrifice;
While your idolatry thrives,
Allows emotions to entice.
If you offer yourself to God,
This leads you to live holy lives;
Worshipping to honor and laud,
Awaiting for when Christ arrives.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer