The Spirit of our Lord,
The Almighty is with me;
Not forsaken or ignored,
Opening my eyes to see.
For He has anointed me,
With the wonderful Good News;
Humbled people to be free,
And being able to choose.
The Lord has sent me to heal,
Those who are brokenhearted;
So the people will not feel,
As though God has departed.
To prisoners I announce,
That God sets free the captives;
And have cleared all their accounts,
If confessing He forgives.
The Lord sent me to declare,
This is His year of good will;
And He is willing to share,
The compassion to instill.
It is a day of vengeance,
To comfort the ones who grieve;
Bring wrath on the insurgence,
By those trying to deceive.
The Lord sent me to provide,
For all of those who still grieve,
Reassure the soul inside,
And continue to believe.
The Lord will be giving crowns,
Provide joy instead of tears;
Making smiles out of frowns,
While calming down their fears.
So they will wear clothes of praise,
As His glory is displayed;
Their roots strengthen as one prays,
Moral oaks that have obeyed.
Ancient ruins are rebuilt,
Places destroyed now restored;
Renewed after cleansed of guilt,
When with God in one accord.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer