The Father gave us His love,
Because He loves us so much;
It is flowing from above,
As He gives His gentle touch.
For you are His dear child,
Because that is what we are;
Created tender and mild,
Shining brightly like a star.
The world does not recognize,
You being as His child;
Since the Father they despise,
Because they are defiled.
What we are is not yet clear,
We do know when Christ appears;
You are able to revere,
Knowing He will dry the tears.
So all who have confidence,
That in Christ, keep themselves pure;
Will have built up their defense,
Their heart will remain secure.
The ones who live sinful lies,
Are disobeying our Lord;
They are wolves in a disguise,
His commandments are ignored.
You know that Christ has appeared,
In order to discard sin;
Allowing us to be cleared,
If we start to discipline.
You will not go on sinning,
If you are living in Christ;
And your life will be winning,
No longer being enticed.
Those who continue to sin,
Has never seen or known Christ;
They never have discipline,
Blocking from being enticed.
Let not anyone deceive,
About what the Lord approves;
If confessed you will receive,
Sinful past His Spirit removes.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer