We know all things work together,
For the good of those who love God;
Worship and praise as we gather,
Showing that we honor and laud.
So true since He already knew,
Has already appointed them;
In the form of His Son they grew,
So that He would never condemn.
His firstborn is among many,
Conceived as a child of God;
Their belief and faith if any,
Would be able to heal where flawed.
About all this, what can we say?
If God is for who can oppose?
For we talk to God as we pray,
Through His Son to whom will impose.
God did not spare His only Son,
But handled Him over to death;
So that victory had been won,
As soon as Christ took His last breath.
Who will accuse those who God chose?
Because God has approved of them;
For as the stream and river flows,
The Father will never condemn.
Jesus never cheated or lied,
Has the highest place in Heaven;
When you pray you also confide,
With confidence it is given.
Jesus Christ was brought back to life,
And had ascended to Heaven;
Carries our toils and strife,
Returning with comfort given.
The one who is loving us gives,
An overwhelming victory;
Ensuring us that Jesus lives,
Within removing misery.
We cannot divide death from life,
Nor can we by angels from kings;
Only now we endure the strife
Just the goodness that Heaven brings.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer