Faith led Isaac to bless,
Both Jacob and Esau;
Jacob was in distress,
When the Lord made the call.
Joseph who was dying,
Faith had led him to speak;
Resting place not eyeing,
For Egypt as to seek.
Faith led for Moses,
His mother had to hide;
The king was a menace,
To who did not abide.
After Moses had grown,
Faith led him to refuse;
Exiled from the throne,
Saw soldiers beat Hebrews.
He chose to go suffer,
Than enjoy the pleasures;
Faith made God his buffer,
Not Egyptian treasures.
For the pleasures of sin,
Is an insult to Christ;
To have the discipline,
Not to become enticed.
He looked for his reward,
That just comes from Heaven;
And only from the Lord,
This gift will be given.
Faith led Moses to leave,
For the fear of the king;
It was hope caused to cleave,
Onto God he would cling.
Passover came to spread,
The blood of the firstborn;
Egyptian babies dead,
The Jews could not sojourn.
Faith made dry the Red Sea,
And brought down city walls;
Faith is not what you see,
But hearing when God calls.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer