I encourage you to pray,
Intercessions and give thanks;
As you still trust and obey,
And ignore all the pranks.
Many people love to mock,
Saying the true God is a fake;
Merely just ignore their talk,
And any insults they make.
Pray for all the queens and kings,
Presidents and prime ministers;
What their authority brings,
Peace with any resisters.
Pray to have a peaceful life,
Lived in a reverent way;
Godly ways to ease the strife,
Remaining straight not to stray.
This is good and pleases God,
He wants us to learn the truth;
And always honor and laud,
Not to be rude or uncouth.
There is one mediator,
That is between God and man;
Jesus Christ our Savior,
That the Father put in plan.
He was sacrificed for all,
To free each of us from sin;
We all have taken a fall,
For lack of a discipline.
This is valid through each age,
And I will spread the Gospel;
Making the world as my stage,
For informing the people.
It is the truth that I say,
For I have no need to lie;
Because I trust and obey,
And will never question why.
I want men to offer prayer,
Set aside anger and hate;
And women beauty to share,
For dressing appropriate.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer