Your minds must be clear,
Ready for action;
For evil is near,
For satisfaction.
Place your confidence,
Wholly in the Lord;
As your best defense,
Not to be ignored.
Because His kindness,
When Jesus appears;
Give sight to blindness,
In regards to fears.
You are a child,
Who must obey God;
Stop living wild,
Makes you to be flawed.
Live not kind of life,
That you have had known;
Filled with so much strife,
That was not condoned.
You lived to fulfill,
Your own desire;
Pleasure to instill,
A passing fire.
You knew not better,
For not knowing God;
You were a debtor,
And were very flawed.
But God had called you,
To become holy;
To Him remain true,
Revere Him solely.
Call God your Father,
Live your time on earth;
Wait for your Brother,
Who will give re-birth.
Through Him you believe,
Your Brother is Christ;
Able to relieve,
Feeling not enticed.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer