You are a good servant of Christ,
When you teach sisters and brothers;
Then teach them not to be enticed,
That would make them stray toward others.
Feed them as Christians in the Word,
Nourished in excellent teaching;
And ensuring that they have heard,
A sound and wonderful preaching.
Do not have anything to do,
With godless myths or fairy tales;
That old women used to tell you,
Luring you down hazardous trails.
Train yourself for a godly life,
Exercising helps a little;
But not with coping with the strife;
Continue with your committal.
Godly living gives you the hope,
Of life now and in the future;
The trials and troubles to cope,
As you become a new creature.
This is something that you can trust,
And deserves complete acceptance;
To resist the powers of lust,
For building up your endurance.
We work and struggle to live,
A godly life every day;
Though we know that God will forgive,
Since we always trust and obey.
For we place our confidence,
In the one true and living God;
For He comes to our defense,
As long as we honor and laud.
Let no one look down upon you,
Regardless being young or old;
Just make sure all you say is true,
Merely as the Scriptures have told.
Make your speech and your behavior,
For helping any perceivers;
Reflecting as our Savior,
For converting as believers.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer