God carried you since birth,
And took good care of you;
For He knows your true worth,
More than you can construe.
From the time you were born,
Even as you grow old;
You are here to sojourn,
Till His plan does unfold.
Though as your hair turns gray,
He remains to support;
Even though you do stray,
God would never abort.
He made you and does care,
And willing to rescue;
Saving you from despair,
Because of your value.
God has made me equal,
Unto His only Son;
Knowing I am able,
For getting the job done.
Gold is within my bag,
Silver weighs on the scale;
A wealth that is a drag,
Since death would make it fail.
Cash cannot change your age,
Cannot answer your call;
For as you turn the page,
It cannot stop your fall.
Remember take courage,
Recall rebellious acts;
Let not faults discourage,
Perception of the facts.
God is more than willing,
To pardon for the past;
When you are fulfilling,
A confession to cast.
So when we grow older,
You find God is right there;
Opening a folder,
About your life to share.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer