When the day comes, the Lord will be,
Like a glorious crown to see;
For the few remaining people,
As believers in the Gospel.
He gives a spirit of justice,
Opportunity to practice;
On any of those who do judge,
That would be still holding a grudge.
He will give strength to who defends,
Against those the Gospel offends;
While they wait they shall prepare,
By the gate with a word of prayer.
Priests and prophets stagger from wine,
They wobble from too much as they dine;
Now have become confused and dazed,
Seeing visions they were amazed.
They were swerving holding a grudge,
With opinions that they would judge;
Vomit and filth where they had sat,
And gone back to their habitat.
To whom that it is understood,
The Word to the humbled and good;
Children that have been weaned from milk,
Of their mother being dressed in silk.
Someone that is weaned from her breast,
Here a little doing their best;
Speaking utter nonsense they talk,
Trying to take a little walk.
The Lord will speak to these people,
Inside and outside the temple;
Mocking them in a foreign tongue,
As fire and brimstone is flung.
He will say a place for comfort,
Since they have put out the effort;
Because knowing they did their best,
And in need of a place to rest.
But they did not listen to Him,
In which made the Lord very grim;
Since it sounded nonsense to them,
So God decided to condemn.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer