Consider present suffering,
As comparing to the glory;
Being revealed in buffering,
By the One who told the story.
All of creation is waiting,
For God to reveal His children;
So they can be celebrating,
Showing victory has been won.
Wondering who His children are,
That God already made His choice;
Those that each one a shining star.
Heaven is ready to rejoice.
Christ subjected to frustration,
Subjected it so in the hope;
Offering you the salvation,
Through the endurance if you cope.
That it would also set us free,
From slavery that would decay;
In order for all of us to see,
Through the freedom that we obey.
For being the children of God,
Being born into a new life;
As long as we honor and laud,
That assists coping with the strife.
We know that all of creation,
Has been groaning with much pain;
Because of the tribulation,
From a relationship to gain.
Not only does creation groan,
A gift of God was His Spirit;
Also groans an inwardly moan,
What adoption will inherit.
The One who searches in your heart,
What His Spirit sees in your mind;
Cannot be expressed to impart,
The words that you will never find.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer