Our bodies are made of clay,
Molded so that we will obey;
But disobedience makes cracks,
Where we harden when the trust lacks.
Yet we still have such a treasure,
The Gospel to our pleasure;
The Good News that will seal the gaps,
That were caused by those sinful traps.
This shows superior power,
That forms a delicate flower;
That has been damaged by a wound,
Something that has come from the womb.
So many ways, we are troubled,
Wishing that we could be bubbled;
But we are not crushed by trials,
If quitting not godly styles.
We are frustrated but not quit,
For our style does not fit;
We may become persecuted,
By Satan who has transmuted.
Maybe captured, but have not died,
Knowing how much Satan has lied;
Never abandoned God is near,
And helping me to persevere.
We do carry the death of Christ,
Because we have been sacrificed;
In our bodies that His life,
Experience toils and strife.
Death might be at work within me,
Transparency we cannot see;
But life is at work within you,
If to God as honest and true.
I have believed, therefore I spoke,
Because of insight I awoke;
For faith gives us the same spirit,
The same treasure to inherit.
Look not for things that can be seen,
Things that are present and have been;
For things seen live not evermore,
Only unseen things God will soar.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer