Be glad when you are tested,
Endure any temptation;
It shows God has invested,
More into your salvation.
Testing faith grows endurance,
To be a new creation;
Giving you the assurance,
To endure through duration.
You are able to mature,
While you become complete;
Enables you to ignore,
Temptations causing the heat.
If you maybe need wisdom,
Call upon the Lord in prayer;
He will send from His Kingdom,
Enough in order to share.
God is generous to all,
He does not find fault with you;
To pick you up when you fall,
Comforting you to get through.
When you ask for anything,
Do not ever have a doubt;
Doubt causes your faith to bring,
Your trust in having a drought.
One who doubts should not expect,
Anything back from the Lord;
Your requests He will reject,
Since your prayers have been ignored.
One who has doubts is thinking,
Of more than one thing at once;
His mind winds up by sinking,
And could turn into a dunce.
Humble believers are proud,
For humble is essential;
They always look for the cloud,
As they remain spiritual.
Rich believers like a seed,
That bloom into nice flowers;
But they will wither with greed,
In the afternoon hours.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer