I must brag, but is not good,
For my visions from the Lord;
Revelations as I should,
Never letting be ignored.
For a follower of Christ,
And that had been snatched away;
Some years ago sacrificed,
His life humbled to obey.
I know not if it occurred,
Fleshly or spiritually;
But know that he knew the Word,
And would tell factually.
I know he was snatched away,
To paradise where he heard;
No darkness, just light of day,
Cannot be expressed in word.
I will not brag on my own,
Unless it is of weakness;
Since God does never condone,
Since it shows not your meekness.
I would never be a fool,
For trying to be uncouth;
By breaking His golden rule,
Rather only tell the truth.
I am going to spare you,
So that no one may think more;
What you hear that you construe,
Telling a deceptive lure.
Keep me from the conceit,
A problem as forced to deal;
Because I try to defeat,
Satan and all of his zeal.
But Jesus Christ and His grace,
Will be all I want and need;
Power for strength what I face,
Enabled for to succeed.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer