We always thank our God,
And keep you in our prayers;
Knowing to honor and laud,
In our faith as it bears.
We forget not how active,
Your faith and love works so tough;
With being so attractive,
By those who treat you so rough.
As your confidence endures,
Remember that God loves you;
And His love always ensures,
In being faithful and true.
We know because the Gospel,
Is not just words, but power;
Being His chosen people,
Through each day of each hour.
You know what kind of people,
We were when we were with you;
We entered not the temple,
Having evil to construe.
We worshiped imitations,
Instead of our Lord God;
But not the expectations,
And turned out to be a fraud.
Then you imitated me,
And saw the light of the Lord;
The suffering you could see,
On that cross is not ignored.
You welcome His Word with joy,
That the Holy Spirit gives;
The love that God does employ,
Also shows that He still lives.
You became a believer,
As His Word has now spread out;
Not letting a deceiver,
Trying to shed any doubt.
Now that you have turned away,
From the imitation gods;
No longer going astray,
Following any more frauds.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer