Get rid of all kinds of evil,
Every kind of deception;
As you stop feeding the devil,
Through thought and spoken perception.
Rather desire the pure light,
That God has in every Word;
Desire milk that gives insight,
With everything you have heard.
Then you grow in your salvation,
As to start eating solid food;
Build your spiritual foundation,
Giving a change in attitude.
You have tasted that God is good,
As you have come closer to Christ;
As you are doing as you should,
Since earthly things have not enticed.
The living stone was rejected,
But God chose it as precious;
And He has never neglected,
As being truly auspicious.
You come to Him as living stones,
A spiritual house being built;
And an investment that He owns,
As you become free from all guilt.
God is laying a cornerstone,
And the ones who believe in Him;
As the Word spoken from His throne,
For building up spiritual vim.
The honor belongs to all those,
Who are as the true believers;
Rewarded as a blessing flows,
For being the true receivers.
A nonbeliever that rejects,
Consider the stone offensive;
And trips over of its effects,
While coming defensive.
They do not lean into the light,
Since they love spiritual darkness;
And rather stay inside the night.
Because of deceptive starkness.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer