When sins are forgiven,
No longer any need;
Sacrifice for Heaven,
If confessed the weed.
The weed is from the sin,
Because the blood of Christ;
The cleansing will begin,
To stop being enticed.
We confidently go,
Into His holy place;
Since the Father does know,
His Son has shed His grace.
Jesus has opened up,
A new way of living,
From the sip of His cup,
To be so forgiving.
We have a gracious priest,
Appointed to the house;
And preparing a feast,
When He marries His spouse.
We are plunged in the flood,
To free us from the guilt;
The cleansing of His blood,
Lets salvation be built.
Our bodies have been rinsed,
With the cleansing water;
So others are evinced,
As His son or daughter.
So we must continue,
In going unto Him;
Sincere in all you do,
With a spiritual vim.
Always a sincere heart,
And a strong faith this way;
Praise the Lord as you start,
Each and every day.
We must show our love,
Do good to each other;
As blessings flow from above,
Loving one another.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer