Praise God, Father of our Lord,
To whom we have loved and adored;
In return we are blessed through Christ,
The Son of God was sacrificed.
God blesses us with much blessing,
That Heaven is able to bring;
He chose us through Christ as holy,
For being His one and only.
One and only children of God,
Even though we all have been flawed;
He adopted us for His love,
Has been blessing us from above.
Even though we do make mistakes,
God is perfect and never makes;
He freely chose through His kindness,
And will forgive when we confess.
All this compassion has been done,
Through the love and blood of His Son;
So we are set free from all sin,
That has corrupted us within.
For Jesus Christ is our Savior,
Since God forgives our failure;
His loving kindness pouring out,
That fades away the shades of doubt.
Shades of doubt will be turning bright,
Giving us wisdom and insight;
As the mystery is revealed,
From our mistakes that has been sealed.
He planned to bring all history,
To its goal from a mystery;
As Christ to be head of Heaven,
And of earth as it is written.
You have heard as you do believe,
Of salvation that you receive;
That the Good News truly does save,
From eternal death in the grave.
The Holy Spirit as guarantee,
That we have been truly set free;
Our inheritance we get,
Assures cancelling our debt.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer