I have heard about your belief,
All of your love for Jesus Christ;
Helping others in their relief,
Your time and talents sacrificed.
I stop not thanking God for you,
As I remember you in prayer;
Of you being faithful and true,
And the fellowship that we share.
I pray that the Divine Father,
The God of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Allow you not to go further,
With straying by feeling enticed.
But give a spirit of wisdom,
Revelation as you should know;
Jesus better and His Kingdom,
So you will be able to go.
Then you will have deeper insight,
And will know with the confidence;
Letting the guidance of His light,
To get to your new residence.
He helps you have spiritual health,
In everything you merit;
So you can have glorious wealth,
For everything you inherit.
You will know infinite splendor,
Of His power that works with might;
As such a mighty defender,
Far from the darkness of the night.
God worked the same power through Christ,
When He brought Him back from the dead;
Was rewarded since sacrificed,
Reigning over Heaven instead.
He is above all rulers on earth,
Not just now but forever more;
Full control in all of its worth,
For authority to its core.
Christ is the head over the church,
His body completes and fills all;
No longer have you in need to search,
When you are hearing Jesus call.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer