We ask you to appreciate,
For those leaders who work with you;
Even if you despise or hate,
The policies that they construe.
We ask to think very highly,
Showing respect as well as love;
As you live in peace divinely,
Because of the blessings above.
We encourage you to instruct,
Those who are not living just right;
Not to be sinful and corrupt,
Always trying to pick a fight.
Cheer up those who are disheartened,
Being patient and help the weak;
Encourage to be enlightened,
Through the Word is where they can seek.
Render no one in paying back,
Evil for evil for a wrong;
Show them tolerance that they lack,
Making their agony prolong.
Always try to do what is good,
With joy and pray without ceasing;
Showing others on what they should,
How to praise God something pleasing.
No matter what happens give thanks,
Because it is in the will of God;
And never trying to pull pranks,
It will only make you more flawed.
It is in His will that you do,
So that you quench not the fire;
Keep it lit for helping you through,
Resisting pleasing desires.
Despise not what God has revealed,
Hold on to what is tried and true;
Prove that everything unsealed,
What God has deemed as good for you.
Abstain from all forms of evil,
God will bless you being holy;
For darkness is where the devil,
Loves to hold you captive solely
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer