Oh Lord you have examined me,
You know because inside you see;
Every single inner thought,
All desires that I have sought.
You alone know when I sit down,
Every time I wear a frown;
You read my thoughts from far away,
Anytime with an urge to stray.
You know when I get out of bed,
And what type of food I am fed;
You watch as I move to and fro,
Everywhere that I may go.
You watch over me when I rest,
Waking up going on a quest;
You are familiar with my ways,
What I do through all of my days.
Even before a word is flung,
You know what I speak with my tongue;
Knowing every sight and sound,
That I perceive from all around.
Remembering the good and bad,
As well as the times I was sad;
You had caused agony within,
When it was involving a sin.
You have the knowledge that I lack,
Being near me both front and back;
Such knowledge is beyond my grip,
While it eludes from my lip.
It is too high for me to reach,
Please Lord as I ask you to teach;
How to climb the rays of the sun,
So I can be second to none.
Please take me to a distant shore,
Away from the heathens that pour;
Out of the sea and the sun sets,
As the pure thoughts erases debts.
Remember first thoughts no longer,
So I can make my faith stronger;
Let only the good to shine through,
A spirituality view.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer