Love one another sincerely,
Hate evil, hold on to what is good;
Ensure you cherish God dearly,
Always doing all that you should.
Be devoted to each other,
Just like a loving family;
Treating your sister and brother,
While greeting them cordially.
Excel while showing respect,
With having a good attitude;
Do not ignore neither reject,
Nor attempting in being rude.
Do not be lazy in showing,
Your interest in your devotion;
And be able to keep growing,
By controlling your emotion.
Use your vigor to serve the Lord,
Be happy in your confidence;
Always remain in one accord,
Using His Word as your defense.
Be patient while in trouble,
Ensure to pray continually;
Never be moody or grumble,
Rather approach life tactfully.
Share with others that are in need,
Be hospitable unto them;
Help by showing ways to succeed,
But try not to judge to condemn.
Bless the ones who persecute you,
Bless them and never try to curse;
Show the happiness you construe,
So you do not make matters worse.
Stop being as a sleeping church,
Become active in your outreach;
For all the answers that you search,
You find in others as you teach.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer