Always be joyful in the Lord,
Show that He is loved and adored;
I will say again be joyful,
Because He has been merciful.
Let others know of your kindness,
How this world has caused them blindness;
Let them know of nothing to fear,
Because the Lord is always near.
The Lord is at hand worry not,
About everything you got;
Never worry about anything,
Because the Lord will always bring.
In every situation,
There is an evaluation;
That you tell God about in prayer,
You must not hesitate to share.
Always give Him your thanks and praise,
For restful nights and peaceful days;
Not only in perilous times,
Or when you have committed crimes.
Then the peace of God which passes,
The perception of the masses;
Guards your thoughts from being enticed,
With emotions through Jesus Christ.
Keep your thoughts on things that are right,
And deserves the praise from the light;
The things that are upright and true,
Through the Lord that does comfort you.
Things as honorable and pure,
As honorable to the core;
That is acceptable and fair,
Able to show how much you care.
Practice whatever you have learned,
Knowing the blessings you have earned;
For salvation received from thee,
Joyful thankfulness you can see.
Whatever heard and see me do,
God gives this peace for me and you;
Shall guard your heart as well as mind,
Keeping in Christ to be aligned.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer