Do not be preoccupied,
Fret not with evildoers;
For you know that they have lied,
Be spiritual pursuers.
Do not envy of those who,
Are doing such wicked things;
Because the pleasures are few,
For any results it brings.
They quickly dry up like grass,
Wither away like green plants;
As they will tarnish like brass,
Slowly puts you in a trance.
Do good things and trust the Lord,
Being faithful where you live;
Never let Him be ignored,
But thankful what He will give.
Be happy having delight,
He knows of your desires;
Pleasure Him by doing right,
Show who your heart admires.
Trust and commit to the Lord,
Trust Him with your heart and soul;
In being loved and adored,
By letting Him take control.
He makes your righteousness shine,
Brighter than the noonday sun;
Pray before each time you dine,
And when your day has begun.
Submit yourself to the Lord,
Waiting patiently for Him;
You will never be ignored,
Feeling His vigor and vim.
Fret not by any evil,
Not to be overtaken;
Rage is ploy for the devil,
For you will be forsaken.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer