We must live in harmony,
While we love each other;
To stop pain and agony,
Be kind to one another.
Compassionate and humble,
Paying not back for evil;
If you insult and grumble,
Would be work of the devil.
If you want to live a life,
Enjoying days that are good;
You have to endure the strife,
When you have done as you should.
Speak no evil from your tongue,
Your lips from saying false things;
You cannot stop what is flung,
What the repercussion brings.
You must turn away from bad,
As you pursue to seek peace;
Other people will be glad,
When the hostilities cease.
The eyes of the Lord approve,
As His ears will hear your prayer;
Confess your sins to remove,
With iniquities you share.
Who will harm when doing good,
And being devoted to God;
Watching you as you stood,
Praising to honor and laud.
Even though you may suffer,
You are blest what God approves;
He is there as your buffer,
For all of that He behooves.
Fear not of those who do harm,
No need for to get upset;
Just use your spiritual charm,
So you can forgive their debt.
But sanctify in your heart,
Dedicate your life to Christ,
The best gift for to impart,
So you stop being enticed.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer