He was in the form of God,
And equal to the Father;
Christ was treated like a fraud,
And never like a brother.
He made Himself a servant,
And becoming just like us;
Humbled but not reverent,
And never raising a fuss.
Appearance like any man,
Obedient until death;
As His Father had the plan,
For a cross on the last breath.
So God gave Him the respect,
The name honored above all;
And that all men not reject,
Rather as spellbound in awe.
And so that the name of Christ,
Makes all of Heaven and earth;
Kneel down and never enticed,
By worldly things with no worth.
Confess that Jesus is Lord,
To glory of the Father;
And never to be ignored,
That Jesus is your Brother.
So you have always obeyed,
Not just when I was with you;
When absent you never strayed,
Telling everything true.
Please continue to work out,
Your salvation and your fear;
Never shedding any doubt,
About God not being near.
It is God who kames in you,
The actions from desires;
For spreading His point of view,
Your salvation requires.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer