The Heavens declare,
The glory of God;
Show that you do care,
With honor and laud.
As the sky displays,
What His hands have made;
Creation obeys,
To what He conveyed.
One day tells the news,
What will happen next?
As what God will choose,
That seems so complex.
One night shares knowledge,
Not saying a word;
But we acknowledge,
As nothing is heard.
For the sound has gone,
Into the whole world;
At the break of dawn,
As the plan unfurled.
The message to send,
Throughout the earth;
Tell every friend,
How much His true worth.
He sets up a house,
Up there for the sun;
For Him and His spouse.
Since the work is done.
Like a champion,
He will run its course;
And your guardian,
Riding a white horse.
What the Lord has taught,
Perfect for the soul;
So what you have sought,
Gets you to your goal.
For the Lord is true,
That will make you wise;
Your heart will construe,
Opening your eyes.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer