Go up a high mountain,
And tell of the Good News;
From the living fountain,
Drink for the right to choose.
Call out with a loud voice,
Telling of the Gospel;
All who hear can rejoice,
For the cheering people.
Raise your voice without fear,
Tell the cities and towns;
What I speak is sincere,
Make smiles out of frowns.
For your God has come here,
The Lord comes with might;
There is no need to fear,
He comes to challenge night.
The Lord has come to rule,
With His authority;
And to punish the fool,
That has iniquity.
He has a His reward,
For people He has won;
Who believes in the Lord?
His sacrificed Son.
Like a shepherd who cares,
Taking care of His flock;
All that He has He shares,
Follows where He does walk.
The lambs are in His arms,
He gently guides the sheep;
Vigilant on alarms,
Watching them as they sleep.
With the palm of His hand,
He can measure the sea;
And able to demand,
Waves to heed His decree.
All the nations’ measure,
Nothing in His presence;
Not worthy of His treasure,
Only God in essence.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer