The Almighty Lord will teach me,
On the things I should say and do;
He will open my eyes to see,
And the thoughts of what to construe.
Let me know how to encourage,
The people which are so weary;
Because this world does discourage,
With these days so dark and dreary.
Morning after morning I wake,
As I am being taught by God;
And through His Word the Lord does spake,
Of what has been making me flawed.
The Divine Lord opens my ears,
I rebel not nor turn away;
As He reveals my darkest fears,
Which has led me to go astray.
I will offer my back to whip,
And pluck the hairs out of my head;
Place some hot coals upon my lip,
Thrown to the lions to be fed.
I will not turn my face away,
From the ones throwing the insults;
Even if they spat as they say,
I shall just resist the results.
The Almighty Lord helps me out,
That is why I am not ashamed;
Because in Him I never doubt,
And continues to be proclaimed.
I have set my face like a flint,
Since I will not be put to shame;
And continue to read in print,
The marvelous things in His name.
He has pronounced my innocence,
Will not bring a case against me;
Because He has been my defense,
Against those who can never see.
Who among you will fear the Lord,
As you obey as His servant;
Let those in darkness be ignored,
Till they learn to be the student.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer