A good name is better,
Than expensive perfume;
Rather than a debtor,
Poor and feeling the gloom.
For the day that you die,
Better than when your birth;
No longer will you cry,
After you leave this earth.
Going to a funeral,
Better than to a feast;
The feast is temporal,
But death meets the high Priest.
Each one that is alive,
Should be taking to heart;
Soon Jesus will arrive,
Taking us to depart.
In spite of a sad face,
Sorrow is always best;
As God will shine His grace,
A joyful heart is blest.
For the wise mind will think,
Funerals and sorrow;
The fools merry will drink,
As if no tomorrow.
Better to hear the wise,
Reprimanding the fools;
Laughter is a disguise,
Not following the rules.
The laughter of a fool,
Like the burning of thorns;
Laughing to ridicule,
Where anyone sojourns.
Oppression turns the wise,
By corrupting the mind;
From fake news speaking lies,
Causing them to go blind.
The end of anything,
Better than at the start;
As the results to bring,
Satisfaction to the heart.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer