Those who are believers,
The Lord will not condemn;
Watch out for deceivers,
Will be causing mayhem.
Standards of the Spirit,
Through Jesus gives you life;
Because of good merit,
Shielding you from the strife.
You are set free from sin,
And the standards of death;
No longer stench within,
Exhaled out with each breath.
For as standards demand,
Impossible for to do;
Since weaknesses command,
Human nature in you.
But God had sent His Son,
To pay for our sin;
What corruption had done,
To decay us within.
We are a new creature,
For meeting His standards;
By spiritual nature,
Abiding by His words.
A corrupt attitude,
From a corrupt nature;
Having a evil mood,
With a sinful wager.
It will lead you to death,
Darkness will then prevail;
Ending after last breath,
At the end of your trail.
Life was filled with hate,
A hostile attitude;
But God will show your fate,
For lack of gratitude.
Your body has been dead,
Because of all your sin;
Christ in you instead,
Blocking where you have been.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer