I know that God is spiritual,
But I have a corrupt nature;
What I do is habitual,
Since I am a sinful creature.
I am sold as a slave to sin,
I do not realize what I do;
For I am corrupted within,
In immoral acts I pursue.
I do not what I desire,
Rather I do the things I hate;
It is not what I admire,
But as things that could seal my fate.
I know the Law of God is good,
And it is what I want to do;
For what God has said that I should,
Are not the things that I construe.
But I am no longer the one,
Who is doing the things I hate;
No longer are they any fun,
Because I am cleaning my slate.
I know nothing good lives in me,
Because of the sin still inside;
But Jesus Christ does have the key,
To open the cell where I hide.
Although I have the desire,
To do all the things that is right;
Satan still keeps lighting the fire,
That imprisons me in the night.
But I have discovered the truth,
About evil that is within;
And caused me to become uncouth,
Stimulating me to retain sin.
Now I am taking much pleasure,
In His precepts for the inward man;
Aware of a waiting treasure,
For me according to His plan.
I thank God through Christ our Lord,
Who had died for setting me free;
And the facts cannot be ignored,
His Spirit cleansed me as to see.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer